The Metaverse will be the final phase of the Internet, and there will ultimately be only one dominant metaverse platform.

The dominant metaverse can be an open and uplifting one; or it could be a closed, algorithmically oppressing one that is driven by profits over people.

The path that our generation chooses today will decide the fate of our species for millennia.

It is the hope of our team that the creation of a welcoming, immersive Virtual World Web where true freedom, exercised responsibly, is the highest priority, will bring people around the world closer together in a vitalizing spirit of partnership and friendship.


It is the purpose and intention of Utherverse, to create a new kind of human interaction within in a 3D environment.

It provides access to the highest quality entertainment, education, and business opportunities, while offering rewarding social experiences that will be available to every person, anywhere in the world. Utherverse is driven to undo the harm of Web 2.0 social media companies by providing a new kind of honest and heartfelt socially interactive experience that will unite people globally, so that they can meet, interact, learn, benefit, work, and play together without barriers and limitations imposed by the physical world.


For over 15 years, Utherverse has been entrusted to meet the needs of those we serve in the Virtual Reality community. We welcome you to co-create with us.

Co-Creation (User built)
Fun & Engaging
Utility (Gamification + Monetization)


It’s essential that we create with the focus of keeping human-technology interaction quintessentially human. Together we will maintain harmony between an expansive technological “futureverse” and a true human experience.

Humanitarianism & Charity
Freedom of Expression
Blockchain Interoperability


We think big, imagine the imaginable and provide solutions before there is a problem. We’ve had a lot of time to think about how humans will interact with technology in the future, and we are innovating solutions for the future today.

Patented Technology Powering our MMOR™ (Massive Multiuser Online Reality)
Next Generation Haptics and Adaptics™ Product Lines & Features
Innovative Immersive Display headset technology

For business or press Inquiries

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**The information presented on this web page and throughout this web site is currently a work in progress. We make no assurances that it is error free, and there may be oversights while we build and proof the materials. This website may contain forward looking statements, which statements may not be relied on in any manner as to any matter pertaining to the Utherverse, its creators or any related persons or companies. For additional information please see our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

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